Cana with head in VISIA booth-CMYK

Skin Analyzer Geneva – Visia scanner

Skin analysis Geneva. VISIA

A deep and precise skin analysis is mandatory to achieve outstanding results in aesthetic medicine. For this reason we have decided to use the state of the art skin analysis scanner ‘Visia®’ as part of our services.

The Visia Geneva skin scanner, allows to measure the skin damage secondary to sun exposure, the amount of superficial toxins due to bacterial activity, the skin texture, the amount and depth of wrinkles, pores, the skin’s hydration and the vascular damage. After analyzing the results we can tailor a specific treatment for each individual. The skin can be analyzed once again after the treatment in order to measure our success rate.

Being able to mathematically measure the success of our treatments through the Visia® skin scanner allow us to provide outstanding services.

Acne treatments
Radio frequency
Pigmentation treatments
Skin rejuvenation
Skin tightening
Injections (botox & fillers)
Stem cells