‘……the perfect prevention and restoration approach to the aging face.’    Dr Xavier Tenorio



Our mission is to provide the best treatments and apply to most modern technologies to prevent face agin and restore its effects. Our distinction policy  are:

1. Offer a multi specialized evaluation to our patients. In our platform we offer a proper evaluation done by a certified plastic surgeon, dermatologist, dentist,  laser specialist, cosmetologist and nutritionist.
2. To combine different treatments and technologies to achieve exponential results.
3. Patient safety. Manage our cases without exposing the patient to unnecessary danger and without taken unnecessary risks.

DETOX treatment
GOLD treatment
CAVIAR treatment


face ageing  process…. How to prevent it?

Our clinic focuses in preventing agin signs manifested as:

– wrinkle formation, which can be done with several treatments including or not botulinic derivates
– lost of volume, typically observed in the middle of the face, treated by the injection of fillers (Juvederm®, Restylane@) or by the mircotransplantation of fat
– skin damage, by sun exposure, lost of collagen and elastine, decrease in the dermis thickness, etc. Restoring all this aspects is one of the most important points on the face agin prevention. Our efforts are aimed to restore hydration, skin tone and elasticity. This objective can be reached by the combination of several techniques including

*  Peelings,  that can be mechanical (dermabrassion or microdermabrasion), chemical (TCA or glycolic acid) or resufacing lasers
*  Radio – Frequency   (multipolar Freeze technology)
*  LED lamps with red, yellow, blue light and infrared radiation
*  Skin tightening  treatment with non-ablative light treatments (IPL and Nd:YAG lasers)


Botox, or botulinum toxin, is particularly effective in treating wrinkles of the forehead, around the eyelids and the glabella, enclosed between the two eyebrows which tightens facial expression.

The botulin medicine, when injected relaxes the muscles of the treated areas. The muscles contract slightly. Result: The skin remains smooth and relaxed, the face is rejuvenated. Botox treatment should be preceded by a consultation with a medical expert.

Wrinkle treatment, Juvederm®, Restylane®, Belotero®

Wrinkles are classified according to their depth in the skin into moderately visible and highly visible. Treatment varies depending on the type and nature of the wrinkle. One of the leading treatments consists of ‘filling’ the wrinkles through an injection of a gel called ‘hyaluronic acid’. The effect is immediate and lasts for an average of four to six months.

This treatment is simple, safe and inexpensive.