Skin rejuvenation with IPL

The general aspect of the skin starting to age is above all related to the harmful and cumulated effects of repeated solar exposures.
UV rays denature the components of the skin, in particular water, elastin and collagen present in the dermis. The skin loses its thickness, its firmness and its elasticity. Moreover, there are also genetic, geographic and enviromental factors that increases the speed of skin aging.

Visible deteriorations of the skin:
• Rednesses, hyperpigmentation
• Dilated pores, loss of elasticity, small wrinkles

How IPL works:

The Intense Pulsed Light treatment renovates the skin without abrading it, giving a true “blow of youghtful” to the skin.
The heat stimulates the fibroblasts of the surface and deep dermis increasing the production of collagen and elastin. This leads to a true restructuration of the skin, improving the thickness, texture and the flexibility.

  • Duration on treatment : 30min for the face
  • Price : 300frs/session for the face
  • Interval between session : 2weeks
  • 4 sessions is recommanded. The effects are appreciable after the second session.
  • You can treat every area where photo-damage is visible: face, neck, neckline, hand…
  • The method IPL could be painful as a small burn at each flash, local anesthesia could be use, but is not necessary.
  • Directly after the treatment and for 2days your skin is slightly red and the spots will be darker. After what a thin desquamation will appear for approximately 1week.
  • Sun is avoid 2weeks before/ after a session and during all the therapy.
  • If you start any medical treatment during the IPL therapy you have to tell it at your doctor.